Microsoft won't update your Windows 11 PC if it has these apps to – 317 points –

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They won't give you updates if you have radeon software or intel config tool?

The article says it's only a specific Win7 version of VLC that's blocked, so maybe that's the case with these also.

Ok, so a newer version should be fine I guess. If that’s the case, the title should be: “If you’re still running these prehistoric software, Windows won’t be able to update“

Too late. People in comment section already decided to install Linux

But... clickbait and drama~~~

You should know people only read headlines!

Yeah, and the headline is supposed to maximize the clicks, along with your fear, hatred and rage.

i'm still not really sure why this would matter. Does updating break that software? Seems like an easy fix.

That was a weird article. The simplest fix would be to keep your apps updated.

Although, in typical MS style, the error message will probably be either vague and cryptic or otherwise completely useless. If you stumble upon an update problem like this, troubleshooting it doesn’t sound fun.

Or software made by Microsoft themselves!