Big Tech passkey implementations are a trap | Proton to – 495 points –
Big Tech passkey implementations are a trap | Proton
  • Big Tech has implemented passkeys in a way that locks users into their platforms rather than providing universal security
  • Passkeys were developed to replace passwords for better account security, but their rollout by Apple and Google has limited their potential
  • Proton Pass offers passkeys that are universal, easy to use, and available to everyone for improved online security and privacy.

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Not surprised,

Google too nowadays.

There's a reason why they removed their company motto "Don't be Evil"

Google has obviously been crap for a long time, but that was just a dumb motto to begin with. It’s not aspirational, it’s not useful for anything and it barely requires anything of anyone.

They changed it to: Do the right thing.

It’s not much better, they’re still an awful company, as most companies are, but this is just the worst reason to rag on them.

The right thing to whom? Shareholders? (=