America is full of abandoned malls. What if we turned them into housing? to City – 71 points –
America is full of abandoned malls. What if we turned them into housing?

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Except that they don't have the necessary plumbing infrastructure to make that feasible. It'd be better and possibly cheaper to tear down entirely and build something actually designed for living.

They would make easy retrofits into college campuses, or any kind of campus really.

A lot of these projects seem to require at least a partial rebuild of the site. So, you might tear down an anchor store and remove parking to add in apartments. Then, the remaining commercial real estate becomes more valuable since it can also be supported by residents.

Still better than living in a tent under a bridge, like an embarrassing amount of the us population

Well, depends. If the tent camp is near services and transit, it can be better than a shelter that's impossible to get food near.

Maybe you've never been homeless, but I have.

Keep the food court and turn one of the anchor stores into one-stop services building.

Never mind, luxury condos make more money...

We must have had very different homeless experiences. I would have gladly taken a micro apartment over a tent any day. Any. Day. It could have been in the middle of a desert for all I care.

A door that locks, a bathroom, a roof, and water easily accessible? Yeah, that is a million times better than the constant fear and animalistic mindset that comes with a lack of basic resources.

Where I live there aren't a lot of places without food and transit near

And no windows in most of the storefronts. It is not impossible to convert them, but it is not particularly economical in most cases.

What if you added a shit-ton of planters and skylights/lights in the huge main hallways (assuming skylights arenโ€™t there already, which they are in a lot of cases), and put windows inward toward your year-round community gardens? The inward-facing walls tend to be glass, so would need to be replaced anyway, and those hallways and congregation spaces are more than wide enough for abundant edible greenery if there arenโ€™t sales kiosks and junk everywhere. You could make a really inviting view entirely indoors.

Retrofitting the plumbing might be a bit of a problem unless you made everything high efficiency, and just built up the floor a bit, which I think could be a fairly minimal expense by going down the main hallways to existing facilities, with shared plumbing between two units/stores like a duplex. (those cement floors suck anyway, so youโ€™d want it built up at least in the units). That makes it easily accessible for fixing. Or a lot of places have back hallways, you could run exposed plumbing through those and run directly into each unit.

Keep some of the kitchens in the food court running, open some markets/maker spaces or create hangout/childcare options in the big shops that canโ€™t be converted to housing, and you can employ people and give them access to quality resources with whatever access issues they may have. Plus then you could rip out 90% of the parking lot and plant trees or build more housing or something. That sounds pretty economically sound to me, just not up front. And not profitable for anyone who would spend on it.

This. There were 2 malls near me where they spent nearly 10 years total trying different designs on paper trying to find a way for it to be cheaper to retrofit into housing, or anything useful really, and eventually they just tore both down and built new smaller structures on the footprint.