A congressman wanted to understand AI. So he went back to a college classroom to learn

Rapidcreek@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 355 points –
A congressman wanted to understand AI. So he went back to a college classroom to learn

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NGL, I can respect that. Probably on tax money let's be honest, but kudos for wanting to be informed.

Honestly, I'd much rather tax money go to that than to hand outs for corporations

Iā€™d GLADY use my tax dollars to educate my representatives about new technology.

To be fair though, someone in that position of power should already be well educated. It should be a requirement so we don't end up with the space lasers dipshit and the handy in a theater whore. It should also be a requirement to keep up with times by doing what this guy did.

It takes more checks and balances to be a truck driver than it does to become a senator or someone in the house.

Yeah but he got free classes while the rest of us suffered. Like to know how he vote on student loan debt.


That's his record of votes and proposed legislation for the current Congress.


That's a bill he supported in committee.

He has also worked with Sanders and Warren to convince Biden to expand debt relief granted through the executive branch. As far as congressmen go, he's a good one.

Glad to hear it. Reading article he seems to want to truly understand the billls he is voting for or against. Good to see but wish we could get fresh blood in there. Because Sanders and this guy won't live forever. On another note fuck Warren she a šŸ.

I'm ootl what'd warren do

She stabed Sanders in the back and she refused to leave the primary during Super Tuesday all because she was promised VP. She literally flushed all the work progressive tried to accomplish for her career.

No surprise since she was a former Republican even 2016 she refused to endorse Sanders over Clinton.

She not progressive she a neoliberal and wish people stop talking about her as if she on our side because she is not. She a snake in the grass. She there to seam progressive but to toe the corporate line.

His salary is also from taxes so kinda either way.

If we're going to PAY for congressmen, the least we could do is make it free for everyone else.