Biden’s renewed embrace of Israel threatens to deepen Democratic divide to politics – 118 points –
Biden’s renewed embrace of Israel threatens to deepen Democratic divide

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I'm getting the impression you want Biden to start a war with Iran. Nobody legitimate is claiming that is on the table.

Why would I want Biden to start a war with Iran? Israel is about to ramp things up and his support is ironclad. The US joining an Israeli war against Iran is a legitimate concern.

Where are you getting reports that Israel is ramping up for direct war with Iran?

Everything I have read has said neither side is approaching further escalation at this time. Perhaps you have intel that hasn't made its way to open source yet?

I know outlier blogs like the BBC are generally disfavored, but at least hear them out.

The risk of escalation in the Middle East is very real.

You linked to an op-ed piece, not a journalist piece. Not your fault though. BBC needs to be a lot better at differentiating.

I can’t link to classified intelligence to provide ironclad evidence. This isn’t the war thunder forums.

The risk of a wider war developing in the Middle East is a very real risk. The fact that you won’t acknowledge that shows you argue in bad faith.

Of course its a real risk, I just think trying to spin it so that Biden is at fault before it happens is nakedly partisan.

If Biden attacks Iran, he is at fault for starting a war. He’s the commander in chief. If he doesn’t attack Iran, he’s not at fault, because he did not start a war.

I don’t understand how that’s complicated.

Biden told Netanyahu he would not be involved in a direct war with Iran, so unless Iran attacks the US directly, Biden should be fine.

Biden told Netanyahu he would not be involved in a direct war with Iran, so unless Iran attacks the US directly, Biden should be fine.

Well, except for the votes he's already losing by supporting Netanyahu's existing genocide.

Why are you changing the subject instead of responding to what I said?

We're talking about Biden losing votes if he starts a war with Iran. He will not lose the votes that he would have lost if he started a war with Iran, but he is not "fine." He is still losing votes by supporting Netanyahu's existing genocide.

If you don't like hearing that genocide is unpopular, you need to hear it.

You boys want to see 2 million dead Palestinians and a war with Iran?

By all means, help Trump get back into office.

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Hmmmm, maybe that last week they bombed the Iranian embassy in another country?

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I mean, except Iran.. and Israel (and by proxy through Israel the US).

Wars not just on the table, if it goes that way, the first strike will have been conducted by Israel (with US backing).

Other countries aren't delusional about the US's relationship with Israel the way Biden apologists seem to be.

So you think Iran and Israel are going to draw Biden into a war so that he loses the election, and the left should react to this by... Voting for Kennedy?

It is sad that a lot of leftists here sound indistinguishable from Steve Bannon in their geopolitical goals.

Your tired argument is costing us the election. We haven't even had a convention yet. We can nominate someone else other than Biden.

And when Biden wins reelection, what then? Do you post here admitting you were wrong?

At this point its becoming a question of beating Trump or supporting Biden.

Its seeming more and more like you'll have to pick.

Well I mean, the majority of polls show Biden beating Trump. Not a single poll shows Kennedy beating Trump or Biden.

Forgive my saying, but it's clear to absolutely everybody without an agenda that you don't know the first thing of what you are talking about.

Well I mean, the majority of polls show Biden beating Trump. Not a single poll shows Kennedy beating Trump or Biden.

The fuck are you talking about? Biden hasn't been leading in the polling in over 400 days.

YOU are the one who clearly doesn't know what they are talking about when their first claim can be immediately dismissed.

Biden is in unelectable territory at this point. He needs to be at 51-54 to be winning confidently and in the 55+ range to have this thing on lock down. Sub 45 and he's a disaster. He's was dipping into the 30s last month. Thats a trainwreck. Now he has moved up a touch since the SOTU, but his positions on Israel are costing him this election.

You actually need to get a clue.

This is an unsourced photo, and appears to be more than a month old.

Do you have more context to provide so I know what I am looking at?

Its not a month old, I made it yesterday. The data is from 538. Link here:

You are an actual fool.

I'm a fool for asking you to provide context on an image?

I thank you for correcting my mistake, but I'm not sure why you think unkindness is the path to a Kennedy victory, especially when your own sourcing shows his candidacy is a joke.

I didn't suggest that voting for Kennedy would result in a victory.

My argument is that Biden is has basically lost the election with his policy choices. Trump out performs his polling, and you need to overperform due to gerrymandering. Biden needs a significant polling lead going into November to overcome these barriers.

I think Bernie could step in (He's old AF too at this point but at least he isn't hiding from the public like Biden is). I think Jon Stewart could be recruited. I think Gavin Newsom could win. I think Jay Inslee could win. I think Gretchen Witmer could win. I think Nina Turner could win. Fuck, at this point, Hillary fucking Clinton might actually have a better shot than Biden (that last one is a bit tounge in cheek).

We've got options, and we haven't actually had a convention yet. Biden said he wouldn't run for a second term during his 2020 campaign. My highest priority is not having another Trump presidency. I don't think western Democracy will survive.

I think, strategically, allowing Biden to take the fire for his shitty positions and polices while running another candidate would make a ton of sense. I also think Biden is too arrogant to step down, but by not entertaining other options, we're basically guaranteeing failure.

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