YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps to – 659 points –
YouTube’s ad blocker crackdown now includes third-party apps

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By that logic using a VCR to record television and fast-forwarding adverts is piracy.

And you see digital tv providers trying to implement fast forward blockers without chasing away their customers too much

Any time I fast forward and have to wait for a commercial that interrupted my fast forwarding, it's an immediate cancelation of the service and I'm on the phone with customer support to try and get my couple of bucks for that month back.

Fuck your shitty service, I'm grabbing my hat and sword.

That argument was in fact made when VCRs first came out. I don’t remember how exactly it played out but in the end the courts here in the US said that VCRs were fine.

At least a few TV service DVRs stop you from skipping ads.

Some even from forwarding at all through the actual content...

The agreement isn't that you watch the ad, but that you allow the ad to play on your device. That's it. Whether or not you see it or hear it doesn't matter; the "cost" for this type of content is a few moment of your device's time, not your attention.