Reddit Gives Final Warning to Subreddits Using NSFW Protest Tactic

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 1735 points –
Reddit Gives Final Warning to Subreddits Using NSFW Protest Tactic

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Why can't we just pay them with money? I block every ad I can, because everything is better without ads.

If there is no option for paying outside of using me as a datapoint, I'm going to be a freeloader.

Also, respectfully to all those here gathered, fuck reddit. It's over. It doesn't love us and never did.

This is what fucks me off so bad. Tell me what I'm worth as a datapoint, and if I want to pay that directly to be left the fuck alone I should be able to.

So much this. I suspect there’s an issue around opt out making the platforms less appealing to advertisers. The people with disposable income to spend opting out of ads, might be exactly the ones advertisers want to reach.

That, actually, makes sense, it never crossed my mind.

More than that, it is trackers on which, probably, no one knows how much is worth.

That's what Reddit Premium was for, which I had. No adverts in return for a monthly fee.

I forgot about reddit premium, 14+ years of reddit use are leaving my brain so quickly.