Pay Attention to What You See: Donald Trump Is Losing His Marbles | If he keeps this up, he’ll drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2024. to politics – 300 points –
Pay Attention to What You See: Donald Trump Is Losing His Marbles

If he keeps this up, he’ll drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2024.


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Too bad the democrats cheated Bernie twice in a row.

Nobody cheated Bernie. He just wasn't popular enough to win. My god, move on.

Super Delegates. The primary in 2016 was rigged for Hillary and the 2020 primary was rigged for Biden.

The general was legit in both of those though.

That's beside the point. The DNC rigged the primaries to hands the nomination to Biden. I wish they would spend as much energy fighting the fascists for once.

The only difference between the two parties is what they virtue-signal about.

They're both in favor of more war, they're both against fixing broken things here at home. Remember when Obama Pretended that Flint Michigan's water was fine? Or Fracking causing flammable tap water in the middle of the country?

Okay, Well Trump and republicans didn't lift a fucking finger to fix either of those issues, and Biden probably isn't even aware of those two problems. The richest country in the world has a large number of whole states now with toxic chemicals in their water supplies.

2016, I agree. He was cheated and could've beaten Trump.

2020? Not so sure. Even Bernie himself admitted that Joe Biden's pro working class policies and bottom up, middle out economic plan was very similar to his. He even said that his campaign team was so glad that Joe Biden didn't run in 2016. Bernie himself stated that Joe Biden was so sincerely for the average working American, that even though Biden was basically "Bernie Lite", he wasn't sure he could win against Joe.

If we look at what Joe Biden's been doing for this country, including passing the infrastructure bills, limited gun restrictions, and the Inflation reduction act, we see that he is kind of "Bernie Lite" and honestly, it's SO much better than Trump, that I'll take it.

I don't disagree with what you say about being Bernie light, but it doesn't mean that it wasn't stolen away from Bernie (or at least whoever was going to be the viable challenger to Bernie). In the primaries, Biden was laughably irrelevant. The media was barely considering him a contender. Then one night the DNC made up their minds and had the entire machine mobilize to gaslight the primary.

The main reason Biden is Bernie light is because he had to be as a political concession to unify the party.

Joe Biden isn't in favor of the working class, he proved that when he forced the rail workers to continue working.

Biden promised $2000 checks, he gave us $600, he promised a lot of very progressive things and in most of those cases he's done the right-wing thing to do on those issues.

Kids are still in cases as the mexican border and he was VP when Obama started doing that, if he had a problem with it, he could've said something about it then or better yet, he could do something about it now, but he hasn't and he won't. He was in favor of segregation back in the day and said that he didn't want his kids "growing up in a racial jungle" Again, that's Biden's words on that issue, back when he was a senator and his hair was a lot darker.

Biden wrote the mandatory minimum sentencing laws on crack and heroine, but won't apply that standard to his son who's on video with possession of enough crack to get about 20 life sentences.

Bernie was/is too old to run for president. He was also less moderate than Biden. I'd argue Biden and Trump are too old to be president.

Biden is pretty fucking old too. The oldest to ever be elected. He has pretty severe dementia too. I know a lot of old folks that went down that road.

Yet he nonetheless proved to be quite capable in his role. As much as I love Bernie, I prefer the safe Biden rather than risking losing to Trump/De Sanctis.

"Severe dementia" is far different than the old person behavior that Biden occasionally exhibits, which is like, saying the wrong word once or twice while speaking for half an hour. The "he doesn't know what room he's in!!1!" claims are absurd. When you listen to him talk for a while he's perfectly coherent, though people like to cherry pick 1-2 lines out of context to try to pretend he's doddering and incoherent.