Netflix Doc ‘What Jennifer Did’ Uses AI Images to Create False Historical Record to – 371 points –
Netflix Doc ‘What Jennifer Did’ Uses AI Images to Create False Historical Record

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The problem in both cases is that people remember these artistic depiction as real, even if there's a disclosure.

Are we worrying about the fully functional adults that still need to be told not to drink Draino?

It wouldn’t be such a concern if they didn’t make up like 40% of the population.

Global population? You say "the", so you obviously mean the one we have in common.

We're all susceptible to this stuff, even when we're aware of it.

As someone who actually worked in the corporate propaganda industry... I concur.

Yeah television doesn’t affect anyone. That’s been a great success. Fox News anybody? Pizzagate?

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That argument extends to any realistic recreation of events. It's not wrong, I'm just not sure what could be done about it.

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