AI nowaday is like Bluetooth 20 years ago: they put it everywhere where it's almost never useful

VodkaSolution to – 689 points –

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In customer service. If I see a bot I know there is a 95 % chance I won't get the information I am looking for. If I could get the information online somewhere, I wouldn't have contacted customer service in the first place! I just want to interact with another human being who's able to understand my queries.

Yeah, it is so frustrating trying to get a question answered only to get stuck in a loop.

And then finally find an email address to talk to and their only reply is to talk to the bot...

And judging from the prompts many customer service lines use, there are also a lot of people who call customer service for the simplest/dumbest reasons. Wouldn’t be the first dummies kept us from having nice things.

But I’ll 100% acknowledge that even with perfect customer service, 99% of companies will enshittify it with AI if it promises to save them money.

I'm gonna guess it's purpose is to make you feel like you're being helped. Rather than actually helping you.