‘They Are Just Pissed Off’: Scott Galloway Warns Young People Are ‘Opting Out of America’ As Older Generations Failed Them

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 325 points –
‘They Are Just Pissed Off’: Scott Galloway Warns Young People Are ‘Opting Out of America’ As Older Generations Failed Them

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Okay now do one that shows how much is available after paying for things like rent, food, car, etc.

Meaningless chart

That's been done too


Purchasing power of American households is at all time high

Okay, now why hasn't the minimum wage been raised in literal decades?

Honestly it just seems like you're being obtuse

That's the federal minimum wage, cities have certainly raised their own minimum wages

That's why only like 1% of workers make the federal minimum wage

Nice cherry picking, you got any other fallacies to throw in there?

1% of workers is not very impactful for the average income

The workers who make $20 minimum wage in SF are not affected by $7.25 minimum wage

So we should raise the federal minimum wage so that so-called 1% of people can't be ignored like you're trying to do.

This is how our argument has looked to me:

You: "well the average is fine"

Me: "well the average doesn't help those at the bottom"

You: "well they don't matter to the average"

Your arguments need a lot more work. You just seem soulless with the points you're trying to make.

We weren't arguing about the minimal wage. You are the one who brought it up. It's not relevant to this discussion

Okay then what point are you trying to prove? I've looked at all your replies and you seem to always avoid the main question being asked.

So, again, what is the point you are trying to make?

Things are not, in fact, worse

In fact, things are better

And you have yet to prove that point


When people are polled about their own situation, they say they are in a good or a very good place

Dec 15-17 2023, 2120 participants

What are the demographics of those polled?

You're not proving anything here

Edit: addition

All you're showing me is that 2120 people who weren't busy enough to not take part in the poll during the busiest month of the year, for middle and lower class people, during 3 days. This poll proves nothing to me. All it proves is there were 2120 people from Dec 15 2023 to Dec 17 2023 who weren't too busy to take a poll and they say their life is going well during a time most of the workforce is busy as hell.

What did you expect this to prove?

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