Kristi Noem defends killing her own puppy

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 522 points –
Kristi Noem defends killing her own puppy

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Did I miss something? That was a shitty example to back up her angle that the dog was untrainable or whatever. The real "reason" was the puppy killed a bunch of the neighbor's chickens. That is a fact, as in order of events. The motivation could be many other things, such as: not wanting the bad PR, trying to smooth things over with a neighbor, legitimate guilt/empathy/something for the neighbor losing their chickens as some families may be really attached to their chickens either emotionally and/or financially.

etc wow I don't mind saying something that is unpopular but I very much do mind people thinking I'm defending animal cruelty or that I find it anything less than awful and heartless. I was questioning specifically what the comment said about killing a puppy FOR being a puppy. When I said the motivation could have been anything else, I meant she could have killed the puppy for any of those awful reasons too but I did not understand how killing chickens = being a puppy, which someone did kindly answer for me. Clearly I expressed myself very poorly.

The puppy was being trained for hunting. Meaning she killed her for doing exactly what she was being trained to do. Of course she wouldn't know there are some animals she shouldn't chase.

Oh, and this is not a one-off thing from Noem either. She also mentions shooting and killing a male goat for "chasing her kids".

In any case, I worry when someone's solution to completely fixable issues with other living beings is to just kill them.

Usually bird dogs aren't killing anything. They retrieve the fowl after its been shot and they are trained to be gentle with the bird in their mouth. But that doesn't excuse the shit stains behavior.

Ok duh, thank you! I wasn't sure what I missed that makes this a puppy being killed for being a puppy so thank you for actually pointing out what I was missing. I couldn't really make the connection to how it was a puppy specific thing, not defending it.

The thing is she wasn't sad to have to do it. She said she "hated" the puppy.

Yeah im really sorry, I was not in any way shape or form anywhere near that woman's side but that was not clear. Thank you for being decent to me despite what your impression may have been.

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