What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature (including it always watching you)

thatirishguyyy@lemmy.today to Technology@lemmy.world – 309 points –
What is Windows 11 'AI Explorer'? Everything you need to know about Microsoft's upcoming defining AI PC feature

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That's not, wasn't, and never will be free even if you don't ritual with your Talisman, the dollar.

Closed source software isn't about making money. That's just a sucker tool to vacuum people that accept shit-worse-than slavery from the dollar.

Free means to ditch any and all software that some person you don't gorram know bar one pedophile who stole everyone else's written software and turned around selling it promising what it does. Even he doesn't know jack fucking squat about what it really does.

If you flip that for the trust you gave over the then the news is that you're an even more gullible sucker and it isn't a gamble on whether or not the next software cracker will kidnap the rest of your family as well.

The life of everyone in your family will inevitably become the truth serum regenex for Steve Jobs when they unfreeze his ass. If you think he really is dead then you weren't paying the fuck attention to his stock market vaccine six months before his ice cube.

What the fuck are you talking about?

That sounds like an AI bot summarizing an average Lemmy user's rant about FLOSS and Linux.

You can't tell the difference between an AI and a real person because your understanding of reality was fed to you by children in culture's trap persuading you to summon the 10 dimension into the essence of your soul flux into theirs.

The obvious truth you think ain't cuz the writer knew you would understand what the real dimensions against reality we live in are without your inability to perceive them.

It's not difficult. You can see it. Let me throw an example of one them.

We see 4 dimensions. Height, width, Length and time right?

There's another multidimensional track here. This is the Story. It's a little more complicated and I'd be foolish to claim understanding of that; though I would easily say the I know a few of them. I've read many Sci-Fi, Fantasy and a few others.

That's just an example. I am trying to give you understanding but if you continue to ask questions that are essentially a weapon using ignorance to attempt to smear someone who is attempting to help everyone before the Sun smite gorram planet like Mars for our universal suicide in ways we can't begin to understand let alone describe should we actually know anything about it let alone understand anything.

Do you think any of that makes any sense? If you read what you’ve written here, can you make sense of that yourself?