People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you

soloojos (Lemmy) to – 311 points –
People left seriously creeped out after woman shares how to find out everything Google knows about you

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Why is the person's gender relevant?

Because it's in the title of the post

and why is it there? I still don't get the relevance

Because the information is known, so it's mentioned. It's the same as if it was a man who did it.

In this case, it's because it was from a specific TikTok creator.

It's the same as if it was a man who did it.

then why is it being called out as if there was a difference? that's what I don't understand.

Same reason headlines say "Florida Man" and not "Florida Human"

I don’t think it is but the headline clearly mimics a standard newspaper headline. I don’t think it’s trying to say something about genders, just saying something about how media communicates.