Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 530 points –

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damn I forgot about NFTs. That shit was funny

You just don't get it bro, owning jpegs is the future

You didn't even own the jpeg. You owned a link to a jpeg which could be switched out with another jpeg at any time.

If anyone is interested in actually owning the jpeg


How do you define "own".

You get the full rights to use them, and the artist abandons their copyright to it

OK. So own here means exclusively resell. Thanks.

I note that NFT is not mentioned once. Is that because this isn't blockchain based?

No lol, you just buy the copyright to the image. There is nothing crypto here, just a way for artists to get money and people actually get something in return for their payment.

I referred to them as Pizza Without Shrooms

I call it the "My wife gets railed daily by other men. But I'm happy because at least I own the marriage certificate." thing