It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine to Steam – 404 points –
It's Time to Bring Back the Steam Machine - Steam Deck HQ

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I've seen these mockups for a steam controller that is essentially a steam deck without a screen multiple times now and it looks like absolute dogshit. This would be far from "the perfect controller".

Yeah, I don't know why they'd use that image. It's so lazy and uncreative. That's not what it'll look like. They literally just cut the edges of the Deck and shoved them together. I've seen better concepts of how it'll look.

As an owner of a Steam Controller, it's actually pretty nice. It's probably the most ergonomic controller out there, though for functionality it hits a different niche than the typical controllers you find everywhere. Its better for some games, particularly ones designed for mouse, but worse for others. I'd bet on the Steam Controller 2 being very ergonomic and adding sticks, as well as the track pads, to be quite possibly the best controller available for every game (excluding keyboard and mouse obviously).

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When you say looks like shit, are you referring to the appearance of it or the functionality looks shit?

Because I don't really care what it looks like, I care how useable it is.

When you say looks like shit, are you referring to the appearance of it or the functionality looks shit?

Probably both. The hand position to use that thing would be an ergonomics nightmare to your wrists

I mean, why not bring back the OG Steam Controller aswell? I still use it and it works great, and it is almost creepy how it handles almost the same as the SD.

I've used my Steam Deck as a controller (via remote play) while sitting at my desktop PC. It is by far my favorite of the various controllers I've used.

The steam controller itself is pretty good, especially for like RTSs. But tbh the closest I've got to a KB/m is the DS5E. Just so damn expensive.

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