54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 643 points –
54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances

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Shit's bad in Canada, and our grocery store megacorps are taking us for all we've got. Five boneless skinless chicken breasts for $28 is insanity. Yet here we are.

I went to get chicken for some meal prep a couple of days ago (Missouri, US) and a 1lb container of just chicken breast tenders costs $13, I figured it was a "labor" cost for cutting the tenders off before the customer buys it, like how a container of diced onion costs an order of magnitude higher than just buying a whole onion, but nope, the pack of 2 breasts right next to it cost basically the same, maybe only 50 cents cheaper, and I wasn't in anything expensive like a whole foods, just a generic lowcost midwest regional store. It's absolutely ridiculous. Not to mention 2 orange or red bell peppers costs $5....

Chicken tenderloins are $3.94/lb at Walmart in Central KY. Where were you shopping?

Five boneless skinless chicken breasts for $28 is insanity. Yet here we are.

The fuck.

Here in the Netherlands we apparently have the opposite problem. Lots of complaints that meat is too cheap, mainly by animal rights organizations who oppose the conditions under which the animals for this cheap meat are held.

Tyson announced several months ago that they were cutting back supply, just so that they could charge more. They're one of, if not the largest chicken supplier (and they are fully vertically integrated) in NA, so them raising prices affects prices across the board.

Prepare for more pain as bird flu seems to be spreading in US cattle populations.