Conservative author Ann Coulter heaps praise on GOP rising star Vivek Ramaswamy - then tells him she wouldn't vote for him because he's Indian to Not The – 443 points –

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She did say it and its on video. Vivek himself posted the clip on his twitter saying "I disagree with her but respect that she had the guts to speak her mind" How embarassing.

twitter post

Wow, what a pathetic Uncle Tom, or whatever the Indian equivalent is 🤦

whatever the Indian equivalent is

Uncle Vivek

Normally that's not really an accusation anonymous people should use on the Internet, but the man's so cringingly servile I don't think anyone can deny the accuracy.

He loves money. Republican "donors" have it. People like him will tolerate almost anything for more money.

He just nods along to her rascist bs. Half a little self-respect man.

If he had self-respect he would lose the little (R) next to his name, and we can’t have that now can we?

It's ideology over identity with these people. Always and infallibly.

People literally suck Greek dick for money

Nodding along hardly seems like the worst way to go about things

He clearly has no personal convictions. He acts entirely like someone who is working a job, and that job is to help Trump get elected.