Donald Trump says he'll revoke Joe Biden's protections for trans people 'on day one'

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 937 points –
Donald Trump says he'll revoke Joe Biden's protections for trans people 'on day one'

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Friendly reminder that everyone who believes in accelerationist BS is privileged af.

Looking at you, Hexbear… and people who deleted my comments yesterday calling out Hexbear as tankies

Sadly, the behavior isn’t limited to certain instances though

“accelerationist”? Pardon my ignorance, but what’s that?

The idea that we cannot have real change without some for of revolution, so we should make things go to their extreme, and cause some kind of cultural revolution.

I see. I understand that as a path, but that seems like the “option of last resort” to me, and these guys want to make it the proposed one?

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No, it's people who think accelerating the country into a hyper capitalist fascist hellhole will lead to the accelerated collapse of the capitalist system. Then revolution will bring the promised land to them. Of course they don't realize that collapse isn't necessarily guaranteed.

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Someone who thinks we should have the worst right now and get it over with.

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Hey not everyone from ml is a dipshit. Some of us just stumbled into ml because it was a stable and popular instance when we joined.

Hexbear on the other hand? I don't think you would just accidentally join that place, at least not without getting banned the first time you say something against their pro fascist hive mind.

I just had another comment on ml deleted today for saying some people on ml are bootlickers. Becoming less and less of a fan lately

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