Biden calls Trump ‘unhinged’ and says ‘something snapped’ in former president after he lost 2020 election to politics – 402 points –
Biden calls Trump ‘unhinged’ and says ‘something snapped’ in former president after he lost 2020 election | CNN Politics

President Joe Biden on Saturday called Donald Trump “clearly unhinged” and claimed that “something snapped” in the former president after he lost the 2020 election.

“It’s clear that … when he lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden told supporters in Seattle at a private fundraiser Saturday, according to reporters in the room. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.”

Even though Biden thinks the presumptive GOP presidential nominee is “unhinged,” he said he believes the November election will be “close.”

“We feel good about the state of the race, but we know the race is close,” Biden said, pointing to recent polls.


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Fkn lol. I grew up in nyc in the 80s. Something snapped in this cunt way back when. He’s always been a fucking clown. New Yorkers cannot comprehend how this traitor shitcunt managed to amass his flock of sheep, our acknowledgment of their profound fucktardedness notwithstanding.

I'm not from NY, but I too was paying attention back in the day and can confirm, the Orange Turd has always been a deranged, self-absorbed, shit stain of a human being.

I don't know how big an impact celebrity is, but if you watch almost any media from the 80s or 90s you'll eventually come across a DT reference, either the man himself or something about him, and it's usually fawning. Like I said, I don't know how much a thing like that is representative of how people actually thought/think about him, but it feels like it helped.

Yeah outside of NYC the media slobbed his knob constantly. The motherfucker makes a cameo in Home Alone 2 like it’s some incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience to run into him. But if you search for articles, there’s negative stuff about him - just most people write that off as like “activist journalism” or whatever

It’s America, everyone worships the rich people

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The media did indeed hype him up for many years, but at least some of us saw past that and realized that he wasn't all he was cracked up to be.

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Yup. He’s notorious for stiffing contractors and vendors since the ‘80s. He had to outsource most of his contracts in the last few decades because nobody will work for him in NYC.

He’s been sued for contract disputes 208 times.

He's been sued 208 times.... How many more people did he screw that didn't sue him? It has to be a staggering number.

Oh, I’m sure. In the above link you’ll see he’s actually been sued 4,095 times. 208 of those were contract dispute lawsuits.

He allows them to be their full shitty selves out publicly with no shame.

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