Another World is Possible to Lefty – 823 points –

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thanks for sharing. I've been feeling pretty hopeless lately and this helped me today

Feel free to chill around here. I'm all about uplifting peeps!

I mean I hear you but the top three posts talk to a depressing dystopian present. Even this one reminds us of our past and current oppression.

I trust many find comfort in these memes but all I see is reminders of a world I don't like.

Hey, if you read theory, it becomes obvious that Capitalism is unsustainable! Either we all die, or the future will move beyond it!

Remember, it took the black death and like 1/2 the population dying to bring about this change

I mean the black death was like 450 years before the French revolution... I think it just took some angry French people for change

On top of a depressed economy from endless war and poor management of state funds, the details of the lives of nobles started to get published for just anyone to read which was unprecedented. Although no single thing can be attributed to causing the revolution, I think that just learning about how the nobility lived really put a difficult situation over the top for them.

If anything I think our societal problem is that everyone remembers what happened to Robespierre.