Pray they don't alter it any further

The Picard to – 1189 points –

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I'm luckily young enough i haven't finished my list of actually good "old" media, so yeah, seven seas all the way

Yes. Play old console games with emulators. No ads, no micro-transactions, entirely free.

Oh hacking a 2ds was one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. For starters, all 3ds to gbc games run natively, and that's already a lot more games I could play in a lifetime. Then i can emulate almost any retro console there and it's dead easy to find replacement batteries and such. 0 bullshit needed. Not an ad in sight.

There's enough good "old" media that I don't think any of us will exhaust the entire supply in a single lifetime.

Plus you never know what's gonna be on your list in the future. When I was 24, I would have never guessed that turn of the century anime would become my entire shit the very next year