Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck to Not The – 698 points –
Maine Cybertruck Owner Sad Everyone Hates His Truck

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If you drive a douchemobil, you shouldn't be surprised when people think you're a douche.

Carter tells the paper he has never been a fan of the limelight, somehow forgetting what sort of attention a massive, angular truck would garner him.

Lmao dude bought the fugliest car ever made and didn't think twice about that decision

and later,

He knew the truck would be an eye-catcher in Maine. But he wanted it for its uniqueness.

“It’s so ugly it’s cute. It’s like a French bulldog,” he said. “I don’t think it’s the most attractive car in the world, but it’s different. And I like to be different.”

I think it is more "carter lies in the paper's face that he has never been a fan of the limelight"

You literally don't buy a cyberrustbucket unless you are dying for attention.

Thinking someone is a douche and actively damaging their car are two completely different things. Not cool to damage property like that, just point and laugh or loudly exclaim how that is the ugliest looking car you’ve ever seen and you pity whoever thought it was a good idea to buy one.