It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC to Not The – 577 points –
It could soon be illegal to publicly wear a mask for health reasons in NC

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Yes, shoot me for wearing an anti-allergy mask officer. I'm begging you.
I will live like a king siphoning off your retirement pension if you shoot me for keeping pollen out of my nose.

Oh, you sweet summer child.

Cops can murder people in cold blood, on camera, and suffer absolutely no consequences.

No, you're wrong.

They get a 2 week paid vacation. If they play their cards right, they can say they got PTSD and get to retire early with a pension and start over in another jurisdiction.

You know damn well police face no real consequences for their actions.

even if somehow you get past qualified immunity, cops don't pay shit. it comes out of your (and your fellow citizens') taxes.