Egypt pyramids: Scientists may have solved mystery behind construction

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to World – 172 points –
Egypt pyramids: Scientists may have solved mystery behind construction

Believe it or not, no aliens were likely involved! Just some very smart humans and a massive amount of labor.


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Egypt will never allow it. They want their cashcow to be in status quo forever so they can milk them dry. They're not even allowing research into other, currently unknown chambers (which were found to be there, just never opened)

They tried to restore the Pyramid of Menkaure by adding granite stones to the exterior, but they stopped because of social media pushback.

They'd be better off building a brand new one anyway. With an observation deck, but you have to climb like 5 thousand stairs to get to it.

Yeah, an upgraded cash cow is still a cash cow, so that's not the problem.

Source? I'm not doubting you. I'm just surprised that the government would limit research, probably for political reasons.

They banned destrucive research for new rooms, because some researcher decade ago, enthusiastically drilled a bunch of holes to nowhere in order to do find them.

They still allowed the non destructive muon imaging a few year ago that heavily hinted to an unfound room.

I guess we'll just have to build new ones!