Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price to – 195 points –
Amazon plans to give Alexa an AI overhaul — and a monthly subscription price

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Home Assistant is a great alternative. It gets better and better as all Google and Alexa get worse and worse.

What are you using for microphones?

Why the downvotes? this is a legitimate good question as there are many available and people may have important experiences to share. Looking to set up my own someday (hopefully soon) and am interested in what has worked well for people as well.

Probably because they've asked it four times in this post

If only any of those questions had a legit answer D: I’m curious too.

Bluetooth and USB speakerphones seem to work fairly well as both mic and speaker. I think thr sennheiser sp20 has been in a couple tinkerers posts I've seen.