Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump following their disputes during Republican primary to politics – 210 points –
Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump following their disputes during Republican primary

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I’ll be honest, I fell for it. I thought I had my naivete under control, but man she was convincing to me.

I really didn’t think she would endorse him. Didn’t think she’d endorse Biden either, let’s not be ridiculous. But still. I’m embarrassed that I’m disappointed in her.

Don't be embarrassed that you thought better of someone. That's their failure, not yours.

They are so in their bubble and wrapped up in their tribalism that the very idea of voting Democratic is just so anathema to them. Even if the alternative means the end of the United States.

Her extreme policy positions should have given it away. But it's a shame they've all rallied behind the wannabe dictator nevertheless.

She obviously wants her political career to continue. I wouldn't trust her if she switched sides and if she didn't endorse Trump she'd probably get canceled.

Yes, it'd be a case of actual cancellation. Not the kind that the repub party whines about constantly.