Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump following their disputes during Republican primary to politics – 210 points –
Nikki Haley says she will vote for Donald Trump following their disputes during Republican primary

Jan. 12, 2021: In an interview with Politico, Haley said of Trump, “We need to acknowledge he let us down. He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.”

Source: NBC News - A timeline of Nikki Haley’s past Trump statements

Hey now, she didn't lie. She's not letting it happen again.

She's making it happen again.

Being a Republican

Having real convictions

Pick one, because I haven't seen the ability to do both.

I'll say it again, a WOMAN of COLOR being a republican has to be the biggest class traitor of all time.

i agree with that but pretty sure she is trying to pretend to be white.

Normally I wouldn't care, but when someone goes out of their way to do so it's hard not to.

She changed her name.

For the same reason Ron DeSantis wears those weird shoes.

TIL that she's Indian-American. I always just assumed she was white and had slightly tanned skin.

Well, just goes to show that you don't need to be white to be a total piece of shit. (Though it sometimes helps.)

There's a number of rightwing indian Americans in the US and it honestly gives me secondhand embarrassment as a fellow brown person.

Judging by Modi's electoral success there are a lot of rightwing Indians in India as well. Just goes to show that conservatism can take many forms and doesn't have to adhere to any (specific) racial bounds.

Either way, I feel for you.

That’s because racism, religion, etc. are tools conservatives use to get rubes to vote against their economic interests. For the people in power, it’s only about power and money. They couldn’t give two fucks about culture wars, abortion, immigration, or anything else outside of riling up and distracting poor people so they fight each other and not them. Some tools work best in the US and different tools are needed in India. You just need the right tool for the job.

Preach on. It's all about messing up the class consciousness of the working class, using whatever tool is right for the job.

At its core, conservatism is all about preserving hierarchies. When you think about that and India's history of its caste system, it's understandable they'd be particularly susceptible to the ideology.

I live in Seattle and met a few Indian dudes at a networking event the other month who were both enthusiastically discussing a move to Texas where housing and taxes were really low. I’m white and from the south originally, I did my damnedest to warn them but they looked at me like was crazy.

I could be wrong, but I think it's because Indians who've immigrated to the US are disproportionately upper-caste ones.

Mmm it may play a role but based off of the people I know personally caste isn't the factor. It is more to do with the demonizing of communism/socialism by Indira Gandhi (as well as outright purging during "the Emergency"). Then poorly implemented policies such as the creation of OBCs/SBEC, basically an affirmative action quota was very messily implemented.

My dad is now pretty liberal (though I feel he used to be more R before Bush) but Bernie calling himself a socialist took some effort to get him past.

You'd see similar in much of the world, socialism/ communism has often failed for one reason or another (usually corruption and/or outside interference). Failures cause a lot of suffering and as a result socialism/communism is a bigger boogeyman to an average immigrant than unchecked capitalism. Here in America their lives are still better relative to what they were. Especially if they came in the 80s-90s many of them succeeded in the American dream succeeding with capitalism while running away from socialist failures.

Well, just goes to show that you don’t need to be white to be a total piece of shit

Lol I really hope this isn't some revelation to you.

No, definitely not. I've always known that shit comes in all colours.

Well, just goes to show that you don't need to be white to be a total piece of shit. (Though it sometimes helps.)

Did you forget about Ajit Pai?

He is a good example that pieces of shit come in all different colors and shapes.

Now there's a piece of shit I haven't heard about in a while.

The caste system is still a thing in India. Isn't it just slavery with a different name?

What about Log Cabin Republicans?

What's that?

Those are the gay Republicans. IIRC during the last midterms they got refused entry to CPAC for being gay.

See also: the Log Cabin Republicans, the modern day Jews For Hitler, tokens like Herman Cain...

I’ll be honest, I fell for it. I thought I had my naivete under control, but man she was convincing to me.

I really didn’t think she would endorse him. Didn’t think she’d endorse Biden either, let’s not be ridiculous. But still. I’m embarrassed that I’m disappointed in her.

Don't be embarrassed that you thought better of someone. That's their failure, not yours.

They are so in their bubble and wrapped up in their tribalism that the very idea of voting Democratic is just so anathema to them. Even if the alternative means the end of the United States.

Her extreme policy positions should have given it away. But it's a shame they've all rallied behind the wannabe dictator nevertheless.

She obviously wants her political career to continue. I wouldn't trust her if she switched sides and if she didn't endorse Trump she'd probably get canceled.

Yes, it'd be a case of actual cancellation. Not the kind that the repub party whines about constantly.

Exactly what I expected. God forbid you have a backbone and stand up against a criminal.

Nikki Haley is very much like Donald Trump: She only does anything because she thinks it will benefit herself.

She’ll risk trashing American democracy if it means she has a shot at being the next president to do it some more.

No shit. Did anyone have any doubt she wouldn't? So much for Biden "picking up the Haley voters"

Nope. Just like all republican politicians, I expect them to fall in line behind Donald. Never expected anything else no matter what they said.

For her sake, I hope she negotiated a cabinet position before jumping back on the trump train.

There’s not a grand total of 1 spine and 2 testicles among all the GOP voters combined

I'm wondering how much did it cost to change her opinion. When she suspended her campaign she had such a beautiful speech about holding values and doing what's right.

Edit: this is a reminder that all Republicans are corrupted to the core and vote for any is not much better than voting for trump. She didn't have to endorse Biden, but kissing up to trump makes her pathetic especially after her speech. A good president supposed to have some kind of principals.

At times you don't have to pay Republican whores much.

(and before anyone cites me as being misogynist, Haley isn't half the two-bit whore that Graham or McConnell are)

Republicans almost never fail to fall in line for their party. This is probably why the party is so politically effective. I wonder if it has something to do with their worldview and belief in hierarchy. Or, maybe they just don't want to be exiled and unable to continue their grifts.

To quote 21 Savage on his song "Running":

"Pussy. Pussy! Pussy!"

What a complete and total coward. She did do one good though -- she showed that a sizable number of Republicans aren't happy with Trump, and could be up for grabs in November or just might not vote at all.

Most Republicans who oppose Trump are cowards.

They will defend Trump, vote for him, and be happy about it.

That's one thing I like about Trump: the contempt he has for the GOP party.

Well there goes my assumption about her strategy. I thought she was positioning herself as the person who would not kiss the ring if Trump should lose, as the "obvious" choice to lead the party that feels they need to throw trumpism under the bus.

Now, it seems pointless, she had both appeared too anti Trump and also ultimately just another Trump adherent. Seems to be a good way to alienate both sides of the Trump phenomenon.

You're going to have to do more than that, Nikki, if you want Trump's endorsement—a lot more.