13-year-old rape victim has baby amid confusion over state's abortion ban

silence7@slrpnk.net to politics @lemmy.world – 375 points –
13-year-old rape victim has baby amid confusion over state's abortion ban

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Hey ABC, I wrote a better headline for you:

Conservatives force child rape victim to become parent

This would be great campaign material for other parties. You see this? This is a kid who was forced to have a baby by your legislature. Vote them out!

As much as you might be right, I would find it distasteful to use a child who has just gone through such a traumatic experience to score political points.

Which is why conservatives do it.

Did you seriously just say that it’s distasteful to point out that real people are being actively, irreparably harmed by conservative policies? Bringing the receipts is NOT “scoring political points”, this is a tooth-and-nail fight for basic, fundamental human rights. Do NOT equate the two. They are not the same.

No, that isn't what I said and I would appreciate it if you would direct your anger at the conservatives who caused this whole situation.

Put yourself in her situation for a moment. You are a middle school girl who has to endure the trauma of being raped. Not only that, but you find yourself pregnant. Your parents try to get an abortion for you, but the conservative lawmakers in your state have made the laws so confusing and complicated to enact a de jure ban that nobody can decide if you qualify or not. No doctor is willing to risk their license to do the morally right thing. And so, as a result, your whole life is now different because one man forced himself on you and a bunch of other men forced you to accept that.

This girl already has a daily reminder of that experience. Do you think she wants to see, at the very least this story, and at the most her name and picture, splashed across the news retelling this event over and over for months? She was raped against her will, forced to be a mother against her will, and you don't see how forcing her to be the poster child of the results of Republican policy against her will might be adding more trauma?

It's a very fine line between using a child for political points and raising awareness of the damage conservative policy inflicts. I'm not so sure making her your martyr doesn't cross that line.

At the very least, if someone wants to bring this receipt, they should do what it appears no one fucken else has and ask her first if she consents.

Considering her age and the likelihood that she'll become a life long target for hatred and accusations of being "a crisis actor" or some bullshit I'd agree to leave her, personally, out of it - if she wants to participate in a campaign in five years that's different.

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You can't say that! That will offend the snowflakes!

Anyone who thinks it's acceptable for any rape victim to be forced to carry their rapist's child, can take the longest walk off the shortest pier they can find, then keep walking after that.

I don't give a good goddamn fuck about their opinions.

You could reach out to one of the writers: Rachel Scott,Nadine El-Bawab,Karin Weinberg,Knez Walker,Stephanie Fasano andRachel Rosenbaum

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