Trump Said to Be Weighing White House Advisory Role for Elon Musk to Not The – 276 points –
Trump Said to Be Weighing White House Advisory Role for Elon Musk

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This photo doesn't even look real lol, Elon looks like he's photoshopped in

That can’t be real

It’s real, July 12 2022 on truth social. I would post the link but I don’t want to give that site more traffic. Here’s a screenshot.

Post the link to the mirror obvi

Good call, didn’t cross my mind for some reason. Will do that in the future, thanks!

Just post the fucking link why u afraid to give them traffic.

Holy fuck he really wants people to suck umm up to him. What is it, he really needs to feel powerfull?

Making Musk stand while he sits was the entire point of the photo.

Lmao I wonder how he reacted to seeing this.