Conservatives tried to force all schools in California to out trans kids. They just failed. to politics – 481 points –
Conservatives tried to force all schools in California to out trans kids. They just failed. - LGBTQ Nation

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Conservatives thinking about children seems to always lead to abuse of some kind

End child marriage in the U.S.? You might be surprised at who's opposed

No, I really wouldn't be.

Yep. If it's something cartoonishly evil, you can bet your ass it's conservatives doing it and then blaming everybody else

Or doing it and claiming it's actually a good thing.

True, and it's usually both at the same time – if they do it it's good, but when they claim The Enemy (ie. anyone left of the Strasserites) does it it's bad.

Straight up, there isn’t anything anyone could be opposed to or for at this juncture in time that would actually surprise me. Social media, advertising, and grifts have broken our consensus reality and we desperately need that context to to function as a society

Is there a crime being committed to children?

Republicans: Legalize it

Are adults doing stuff in their bedrooms that you don't approve of?

Republicans: We need to ban this.