Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups to – 557 points –
Amazon execs may be personally liable for tricking users into Prime sign-ups

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You know what's been a great experience? Trying to quit Apple+. Took seconds to set up an account on my TV and weeks to cancel. Filled a complaint with my state AG.

Cancel the card if you can

I disputed the charge every month for about three months. Turns out you need an apple device to reset your apple password or wait weeks for an arbitrary email to verify your account. I don't own a single apple device, but my LG TV had Apple+.

Do you? I don't own any apple device but I was able to reset the password on my very old account to use apple tv+ on my LG TV

Yarp. My tv reset and I couldn't remember the password then they required I reset my password on an Apple device.

Apple+ is the worst subscription service I‘ve come across. I was interested in 2 shows but it wouldn‘t let me subscribe, browse their catalog or unsubscribe in the browser. I had to use my old iPad to subscribe and unsubscribe because apparently it‘s only meant to be used by apple hardware users? And what‘s even worse I had to use online search engines to actually get to the pages of shows and movies in my browser so I could watch it on my computer. Whenever I tried to go to the catalog directly, it would give me an error. Needlessly to say the stuff that I watched was mediocre at best and I immediately cancelled my subscription as soon as I found out how.

Oh dang I know the free trial, we got that too. Fuck I hope it's not as much a pain to cancel for us.

If you have it from a new iPhone, you can literally cancel it from your settings >> Apple ID >> subscriptions. I have no idea how to do it on any other Apple device (because I don't own any others) but I know my dad had a hell of a time cancelling something for his Macbook.

Good luck o7

How did you make out with cancelling? Despite what people are saying here, I didn't have a problem doing it from a browser and I don't own any Apple devices.

Luckily I could do it via browser too. I had used the account I had used to also read .notes files (before Google drive could read them) and sure enough I could cancel just fine.

Spoiler, it will be. Fuck apple and every megacorp like it.