Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney to World – 478 points –
Russia Declares War on ‘Mediocre Actor’ George Clooney

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Do you have just like a trillion gifs saved somewhere, or do you make them on demand?

Not op but if I need a specific gif of some movie I was reminded and I cant find it online I'll go on my plex app and record my phones screen and then use that to make a quick gif on imgur haha

Do you have just like a trillion gifs movies saved somewhere

Basically, whatever my family and some friends request my server sources it plus some lists of latest movies and shows that are released automagically get pulled so I have about 100tb of movies and shows at any given time depending on when my deleter docker purges old stuff

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Nah, I just have a "trivia night" kind of memory and find them as needed.

How come my gifs aren't moving when I upload? They're moving on my phone.

One thing I've noticed is that if the file is a gifv, remove the "v" and it tends to work better. For anything else, no idea.

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