Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars to politics – 810 points –
Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars | CNN Business

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But the brands value is in the personality. Killing info wars only creates an opportunity for him to create Schminfo Schwarz with little hiccup. Buying sets and whatnot with business partners is trivial. People make podcasts in their closets at home.

That is always going to happen but losing the infowars brand is really bad and the cost of reestablishing a recognizable brand from basically scratch is very expensive and difficult. I would argue that losing the brand is worse for him than any other asset he has.

The brand means nothing. It literally just means Alex Jones to everyone. If Alex Jones isnt on info wars then infowars dies. Wherever Jones goes he'll do the same thing and have the same audience.

People keep saying that but every time a chud gets deplatformed their numbers gets decimated. A lot follows you but not everyone and growth takes a massive hit because all the boomers finding the show on Facebook will try to go to infowars because that's where the 2 year old video is telling you to go.

Video backlog is fucked, SEO is fucked. They can go ahead and search for Alex Jones but you only get results of him getting fucked but not where to go because the new website doesn't have good standing yet with Google because nobody is linking to your new page.

He hasn't been deplatformed. He lost a brand name that is synonymous with himself. He can add a 2 to his web addresses and be right back where he is in a few days. Frankly all this attention he's getting from the media will probably just help him accomplish that. His listeners are total morons, but they are also addicted to his bullshit. Addicts find their shit, Even the dumb ones.

Losing your brand and website is being deplattfomed. People act like it's a binary thing where deplattforming either needs to wipe you off the face of the earth or it was pointless. The disruption will cost him viewers because while he sets up a new base his viewers will get bored and go to watch other things.

Not everyone will get bored, but enough people will move on for it to be a real concern for Alex Jones.

Ask any creator on the internet how bad a disruption in viewership is.

Alex Jones is a hydra and Infowars is but one of his heads.

Infowars, itself, means nothing. Killing it will do no good.

He is the brand. And what's worse, his followers live for bad press.

Losing your brand and website is being deplattfomed. People act like it's a binary thing where deplattforming either needs to wipe you off the face of the earth or it was pointless

Sorry but words have meanings and he's lost no access to any platform as a result of this.

The disruption will cost him viewers because while he sets up a new base his viewers will get bored and go to watch other things.

I hope if this ever actually happens you'll come back and rub it in my face. I'm not going to bother taking a note because it isn't going to happen and you won't. In reality, every trump voter that didn't listen to Alex Jones already is going to watch the news and start regardless of whether it's on Infowars or Infowars. 2.

Ask any creator on the internet how bad a disruption in viewership is.

That's your job brother. You go ask some and come back and prove your point with their answers. It's not my job to try to beat my own point. I'm sure they don't like it but I also don't give a s***. Andrew Callaghan seems to have bounced back just fine.

And frankly, it's just silly for you to compare Alex Jones to YouTubers or whatever you are considering content creators to be.

Lemmy really is just reddit with more tedious people.

Don't call yourself that. You'll learn to look up what words mean someday. I'd be happy to help you finish 5th grade unlike those meanies on that website.

The brand means nothing. It literally just means Alex Jones to everyone. If Alex Jones isnt on info wars then infowars dies

Yep. Pop-quiz for anyone (not you, Knowledge Fight wonks!):

Can you name literally any other host who has a show on InfoWars, without looking up their names?

I'm a knowledge fight wonk but if I wasn't I'd say "that guy that failed to marry Christina Ricci"