He can be president but he can’t be a nurse: The jobs Trump can’t get with felony convictions

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 588 points –
All the jobs Trump now can’t get with his felony convictions

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to be able to run for president even if you're convicted is a good thing.

though in lots of places in the US you can't vote for the president. seems ridiculous that you can be one. both should be allowed.

I get it, a DUI is felony, and shit happens. However, 34 felonies, dealing with attempting to influence an election that got you the presidency, and paying off a porn star that you had sex with while your pregnant wife was at home, should ban you from the presidency. Jan 6th should have done that and put his ass up on the gallows, but here we are.

paying off a porn star that you had sex with while your pregnant wife was at home

Let's focus on the important parts, not play morality police as if Stormy Daniel's profession or Trump's marital status make the crimes worse. Let's not sink to the level of the hypocritical authoritarians of the Christian Right or the equally hypocritical tabloid press.

You're right about everything else, though.

Banging a pornstar isn't the problem.

Paying off a pornstar on the eve of an election with the intent to influence that election and then falsifying business records to cover up the payments, is a problem.

It's less a morals thing and more actual crime things.

The right want to bring church and religion into politics. They worship tRump as a "christian". Cheating on your pregnant wife isn't very christian. I mean no disrepect to stormy or anyone that does any kind of work like her. It should be legal. The only thing I will give her shit for is for is she fucked tRump, which had to be rather disgusting.

Trump's literally an admitted atheist, I wonder how many of them know that.

Trump cheating on his pregnant wife DEFINITELY makes the crime worse.... What are you talking about?

Infidelity is a private matter that has no bearing on the job.

Judging presidents on whether we approve of their private lives is some bullshit best left to the Republicans and the tabloids.

Unlike election tampering and campaign finance fraud.

Infidelity shows disloyalty to those closest to him

Which isn't the electorate.

JFK was also notoriously unfaithful in his marriage, that didn't make him a bad president and the only ones who pretended that his philandering, as they probably called it at the time, were Republicans and Protestant bigots who were just looking for ways to attack him for anything.

To be clear: I agree that Trump is absolutely a garbage person and that it was a horrible thing to do to his wife. It's still completely irrelevant to his professional (mis)behavior, though. Unlike the subsequent coverup.

Cheating on your loved ones is definitely evil, the only time you should be sleeping around with someone who isn't your partner is if you are in an open relationship or if you and your significant other are both polyamorous.

Yes yes, you're on the record as being against marital infidelity. Such a brave and controversial stance 🙄

Let me repeat one last time: his private affairs (double entendre not intended) are not relevant to his public life and as such is none of our business until they break relevant laws and/or otherwise influence the job.

Or, to put it another way: as far as anything that actually matters that anyone not directly affected is concerned, he could have done the same things while not married or otherwise in a relationship and it would have been exactly as bad.

No it would have been better, because the point was he cheated on his significant other, betraying the trust of the one person who should be able to trust him more than anyone else. If he can do that to those closest to him, how can we trust him with the fate of faceless millions? This is nothing to do with "puritanism" and everything to do with his character

the point was he cheated on his significant other

It most certainly was not. The point was that he defrauded the people in order to gain power.

If he can do that to those closest to him, how can we trust him with the fate of faceless millions

Fun fact: millions of imperfect people who behave badly, sometimes even cruelly, towards those closest to them are excellent public servants. Trump never was, of course, but that's nothing to do with his private life.

Professional and personal lives are separate things and as such, one doesn't automatically reflect the other.

This is nothing to do with "puritanism" and everything to do with his character

Maybe not puritanism, but definitely sensationalism and conflating separate parts of the garbage human that he is.

Would I prefer that all politicians are both excellent public servants and kind and considerate in their private lives? Of course!

Do I believe that failing the latter makes the former impossible? Hell no! That's just not how people work!

After Jan 6th, he should have been put in front of a damn firing squad

Ummm.... A DUI is a misdemeanor, unless it's like your 3rd or 5th one in X number of years, depending on jurisdiction. I got a DUI years ago. I'm not a convicted felon.

Must depend on the state then or they changed it since you got yours. It's a felony here.

Damn. I looked it up, and apparently New York, and New Jersey, and Wisconsin are the odd states that even a first time DUI is a felony. Everywhere else it's generally charged as a misdemeanor for your first three, and the fourth is a felony.

Wisconsin is not a felony. WI has some of the most relaxed DUI laws

Oh, well maybe that was why the summary lumped it in with the other two.

I believe it isn't even a misdemeanor which could be why it's lumped in with states where it isn't a misdemeanor, but I could be wrong