Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds to – 662 points –
Biden supporters mostly back him in 2024 election because they oppose Trump, poll finds

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Biden doesn't want to do anything about gaza, but Trump wants to bomb the west bank too. That means I support less genocide and you support not doing anything to prevent more genocide. That makes you a racist traitor.

I support voting for biden (barely) and I support telling him to stop supporting genocide. All you wanna do is pretend there is no genocide. That makes you a genocidal reactionary, and whatever I am it's a fuck of a lot better than that :3

Wow, look at you lying about what I said while it's still clearly visible on the screen.

So you do oppose genocide? I thought you wanted people to shut up about it until after the election? If genocide is so bad you should try protesting it instead of telling people to be quiet about it

I am protesting it. I attended a rally last week, went to a meeting to schedule future actions yesterday, and have generally been very proactive about creating pressure on organisations to divest from Israel. I've been putting time and energy into actual solutions. You know what's not an actual solution? Trying to make Trump lose by a narrower margin. There are no solutions in electoral politics, there is only choosing the lesser evil. Then you go out on the streets and you fight the lesser evil, and thank your lucky stars you don't have to fight the greater evil.

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