How bad is Microsoft? to – 98 points –

I was curious what the Linux people think about Microsoft and any bad practices that most people should know about already?


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Is this the circlejerk community of lemmy?

What is the point of your comment? The person asked what the Linux community thinks about Microsoft and you come with this idiotic CiRcLeJerk bs? You didn't add anything to the thread.

I've learnt a bunch of horrible practices done by MS that I wasn't aware of so thank you everybody else.

If you have been on lemmy for any amount of time, "Microsoft bad" is posted almost daily. I'm not disagreeing, yes they are bad. It's super circle jerky to post a whole thread literally asking something that is posted in comments/other posts literally daily. It's fine I just find it funny lol

Average Reddit comment.

  • Attempts to roast everyone in the thread and dreail the thread itself by attempting to be "funny".
  • Contributes nothing to the discussion.
  • Is the reason why circle jerk threads begin at all.

You: 🤡

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