It's real to Lemmy – 278 points –

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Ratio'd isn't even GenZ but Millenial, right?

Ratio'd is probably more Twitter slang than anything.

Am millennial, have never heard ratio'd before

For the uninitiated, to be "ratio'd" means you had more comments than likes.

Because there are no downvotes on Twitter, being radio'd is synonymous with a shit take.

I think it's more twitter slang. Sure it can be applied elsewhere. But I've mostly heard it used regarding twitter posts.

i am millennial but i did hear it before. on the line.

Ratio'd isn't even GenZ but Millenial, right?

Ty suka gyat, they stealing our slang!

Gen Z to me. But I think a lot of gen z terms have a root in things millennials did online in gaming circles and online forums. So it's not "new" but more colloquial in their vocab where in my gen it was niche talk

this feels correct. niche terms become slang. seems right

It's more Zillennial. The very top of the ladder of GenZ and the very bottom of Millennials.

no, it's boomer

Son, let me tell you a story about how back in my day I got ratio'ed on the twier