Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing to – 1126 points –
Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing

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Barnett was found dead to an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound after officers were sent to his hotel because he missed a deposition hearing… for a lawsuit against Boeing.

Dead, single gunshot wound, in a car. You think that’s not suspicious at all?

Third day of deposition.

After fighting Boeing since 2017. Losing the first court case by the way.

An entire movie about this came out in 2022.

It sounds like a desperate person who had enough.

Why kill him now? Wad something going to come out that already hadn't? Or wad this person tired of fighting and feeling helpless.

You could argue that maybe Boeing killed him in the long run.

But with 50,000 people taking their lived a year in the US I tend to think a lot of people are just broken. And i can't blame them.

Also, you are suggesting the police were in on it since they ruled out foul play too?

Although I don't trust them either. So fair enough on that one.

It sounds like a desperate person who had enough.

funny that everyone who knew him, didn't think he was even remotely suicidal. Also as for the 'why now' because now it's got publicity and traction.

As for the cops ruling out foul play... it's pretty easy to fake a suicide by gunshot... but yes, I'd buy that the police were in on it in a heartbeat. have you met cops? there's a strong chance the cops were the ones who took the job.

Citation needed: everyone that knew him.

From the article linked in my original comment:

But Barnett’s lawyers said in a statement following his death that his deposition was nearing an end and he appeared to be in good spirits.

“We didn’t see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it,” his lawyers, Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles, said in a statement on March 12.

What are people going to say, "Yeah, I knew he was gonna do it, but I had other shit going on so I ignored it." Meaningless quote you hear all too often after people commit suicide unfortunately. And I don't mean to admonish anyone, but who comes out afterwards and says "Yeah, his life was shit and he was a miserable fuck it was only a matter of time."

I remember highschool people saying that. It was only the kids family, and the bullies and drama whores (that don’t know him,)

The fiends all said he was bullied and his home life wasn’t so good.

That his lawyers are saying it is more meaningful than if his family was.

Why is it more meaningful coming from lawyers then from family? I don't follow

We generally don’t see all the warts in the people closest to us, and family is more likely to want to put an idealized version of people out there.

Look at comments by parents of active shooters, to the effect of “I didn’t raise a monster, I don’t know why this happened,”.

I agree with you here but you didn't say friends, you said lawyers

Are you seriously not seeing why professional contacts would be more likely to have a fair opinion and share it? It’s his lawyers that said he didn’t seem suicidal.

Or are you seriously just trying to insist it’s not suspicious any way you can?

You said everyone. Then cited his lawyers. Shouldn't they be in the same category as the cops?

Good luck. I'm with you. It's annoying how retarded most of Lemmy has decided to be about this story based off headlines.