Something from the old days to – 169 points –

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Old days!? Aoe2 is still getting expansions!

I was about to say, "what do you mean 'old days', I'm still playing!"

This game will outlive DOOM being run on things.

Or more likely, someone will figure out a way to play one in the other.

Oh man I bet you can get doom running in the scenario editor. The new devs may even be willing to enhance it somehow so that you could.
Although I have not really played or watched competitive since The Viper left for Facebook.

Pretty sure he's back on twitch, but I only watch a few of his highlights on YouTube

He is, I just haven't gotten back in to it for no reason.

It is shocking the longevity this game has. Still has a thriving competitive scene. Still getting expansions and patches. It's a fantastic game.

It is?! Must look into that. Still my favourite game of all time.

Not only that, it's still active, including a competetive scene with regular livestreams and tournaments.

I did come across the competitive scene there about 2 years ago. Honestly I found it both fascinating and a bit disheartening. There was I happy with my occasional dad game where I was regularly beating the AI on one of the higher levels. Nope. Apparently still a noob after 25 years.

The speed and accuracy that they move and build at is astounding.

The new AI is astounding. I haven't played in a while but I never was able to beat the harder difficulties. Even at my sweatiest


First read: Sweetest

Second read: I hear you deep down

I guess this is not because of how good the "AI" is, but because it automatically gets note resources than any human player.

The rewritten ai doesn't cheat like the original! It's just amazing!

Never thought I'd say this but the personalities are great to. It's like a worlds fair of cool dudes who can do unbelievable shit

Yep, there was the Hidden Cup a couple months back that was awesome to watch.