Someone escaped the Matrix to Programmer – 644 points –

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Reminds of that post a month ago...

Wait is he still on the Azure Performance team?

Azure needs him to care for Microsoft's Golden Goose at his farm.

Nope. If he hadn't quit, it would say "present" instead of July 2024

Look under "Principal Software Development Engineer." It says "2017-present"

That's the basis for my claim actually. The other position has a date not the word "present". Which I now realize includes 2023 not this year, so I don't know what the original question was getting at. says "august 2017-present" on the screenshot I'm looking at? Right? Also, isn't July 2024 like, next month?

It says 2023, not 24. Commenter typo’d. and the top number is correct. Bottom one is probably custom filled out, not based on actual work history.