PAC behind 'dictator' billboard comparing Trump to Fidel Castro says more is coming to – 297 points –
PAC behind 'dictator' billboard comparing Trump to Fidel Castro says more is coming

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I don't care what I sound like, they're also one of the few leaders/nations who successfully defended against American capitalist aggression attempting to destabilize their government to open up its resources/people to our owner's merciless exploitation in their insatiable need for infinite growth/metastasis on a finite world, and remove as many potential global examples of alternative economic systems as possible, a feat many South American nations that dared to attempt a better future for their people failed to accomplish defending against.

A small example demonstrating that our oligarchs can be rebuked, but an example nonetheless.

Number 4 is slightly inaccurate. The Dominicans elected a social-democrat who then got overthrown by a US-backed coup a couple of months after the election. Then there was a revolt against the Junta a couple of months after that and it was only then when the marines were then sent to shoot at the Constitutionalists.

I don’t care what I sound like, they’re also one of the few leaders/nations who successfully defended against American capitalist aggression attempting to destabilize their government to open up its resources/people to our owner’s merciless exploitation in their insatiable need for infinite growth/metastasis on a finite world, and remove as many potential global examples of alternative economic systems as possible, a feat many South American nations that dared to attempt a better future for their people failed to accomplish defending against.

And yet somehow I doubt you live there. Nor do the thousands of people who risk their life to escape every year.

I don't, I live in the US, where we let our own people who don't play ball get cast out to die of exposure and police capital defense force harassment for the crime of not producing enough value well enough for their owners:

herp derp wealthiest nation on Earth!

Yeah, the US are awful too, but it doesn't logically follow that Cuba is great just because they're an "adversary". This isn't a comic book — it's possible for both sides to be bad.

They weren't denying Cuba is bad. They pointed out that they're one of the view countries to stave off American business interesting fucking up their country under the guise of "Democracy"

Don't gaslight me. They replied in agreement to a comment saying "at least Fidel cared about his people" and then went on to praise Cuba some more.

Cuba is undoubtedly very poor, and that drives people to leave for the very close and very wealthy nation of The United States, but that doesn't diminish the success of its system. Compare Cuba to any of the Caribbean countries where the local population exists only to prepare food and clean hotel rooms for wealthy vacationers.