non vegan pizza timelocked to Lemmy – 420 points –

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I consider myself a flexitarian, I adopt puppies, give them a good life till they're about 2 years old, then humanely slaughter them and eat them. The stuff I don't eat I backfeed to the next round of puppies.

I am so with this post, what I do is so much more sustainable and humane than anything that happens on a farm. Extremists harrassing me should fund lab grown meat instead. Really this is more ethical than eating beans because of crop deaths.

Your mistake here was saying "puppies" too early. You have to lead with a couple paragraphs of how you're a flexitarian who has a farm and humanely raised animals like pets and then slaughters and feed them to your family.

Then list off the animals you exploit, cows, pigs, dogs, chickens, cats and ducks. Then their brain gets hit with the dissonance of "wait why did I support this and then stop the second they said 'dog'?" That jarring experience can work for the intellectually honest type.

Saying it too early means they can categorize your post as satire easily and not engage with it at all mentally.

“wait why did I support this and then stop the second they said ‘dog’?

It's a bad idea in general to eat predators because the higher up the food chain you go the higher the chance you'll contract an illness. Humans are not alone at all among predators to practically only go after grazers, and not other predators. We leave the rest to carrion eaters who specialise to deal with all kinds of nasty stuff.

People thinking that this is some kind of grand ethical-philosophical argument or conundrum just shows how alienated they are from the ways of nature.

It goes to show how much we purposefully disregard the ways of nature, actually.

Moral decisions are not made on the grounds of "is this natural"? A lot of things are moral and unnatural, and a lot of things are immoral and natural. It should be incredibly easy for you to think of examples, but if you're really struggling I can give some.

They're orthogonal discussions.

Eh, mostly I'm just pointing out how stupid this is to anyone with half a brain in their head.

We have animal rights legislation and morals for reasons, and nobody who like protests whaling gets criticised for not growing fake whale meat. You might disagree on where the line should be but it's just outing yourself as someone with underdeveloped theory of mind if you don't understand why people might feel strongly about it being further down the tree of life.

Don't farmers specifically not form bonds with the animals they intend to slaughter? Isn't it socially acceptable to eat dogs and cats in some countries? Personally, raising your own meat and slaughtering it for consumption does indeed sound like the best way to go about it.

Dogs have not been human food in the absurdly long time they've been around except for very rare occasions. This is just a stupid "point" in your stupid fucking vegan brain.

I.e, I don't have dogs on my food list simply because they're not a part of the normal human food ecosystem not because I have some moral objections

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I consider myself a flexitarian, I adopt puppies, give them a good life till they’re about 2 years old, then humanely slaughter them and eat them. The stuff I don’t eat I backfeed to the next round of puppies.

I do the puppy thing as well, but I don't eat them (they're nasty). I just like killing puppies.

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