These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into to politics – 157 points –
These are the debate ‘traps’ Republicans fear Trump may fall into

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This is ludicrous. The Republicans have nothing to worry about. It does not matter to their voters at all. He could start shouting "kill, kill, kill" until he has a seizure and craps himself on stage, voters: "just like Jesus"


You sure about that /s?

I just thought at the last second it was disrespectful to people with seizures. The s probably doesn't help with that anyway though

Every time you “/s” a baby panda dies. Just say no to “/s”.

Baby pandas? You mean that species that is too lazy to even reproduce? I hate to break it to you, but I don't think there are any left after you dropped two whole sarcasm indicators like that 😟

You’re making my point for me. Will someone please think of the pandas? Also, the “/s” doesn’t affect pandas when in quotes.

Yup, Trump can't do or say anything wrong. He could literally eat a baby on national TV and his base would search for scripture to justify it.

Please vote for Biden. We're going to see some serious fucked up shit if Trump wins. Project 25 will make it happen.

Trump is the larger of the two, why shouldn't he simply eat the baby?

Wait til you find out Project 25 is just another Mandate for Leadership put out by the Heritage foundation since 1981. This fascist train has been rolling for a long time, and it’s going too fast for us to get off it now.

With trump, the trap isn't his loyal base turning on him, it's having a motivated population against him. He benefits from apathy. If he falls into traps that cause bubble voters to show up, that's the trouble for him.