Microsoft really wants Local accounts gone after it erases its guide on how to create them to – 1018 points –
  • Microsoft removes guide on converting Microsoft accounts to Local, pushing for Microsoft sign-ins.
  • Instructions once available, now missing - likely due to company's preference for Microsoft accounts.
  • People may resist switching to Microsoft accounts for privacy reasons, despite company's stance.

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It really seems more complicated than it is. I switched to a dual boot of windows and Linux mint about a year ago and it was super smooth, have basically never used the terminal. if you still want to try and have any questions, feel free to ask. Linux is really a nice feeling of being away from MS bullshit.

I want to figure it out if for no other reason than to prove to myself I am not too old to learn new tricks!

Hope all the other comments and suggestions are helping! Installation is honestly the only "hard" step for Mint. Once you're done with this, it should be smooth sailing - and if you ever need any help, just ask!

I was hesitant to say anything at first but I am glad I did. Everyone so far has been wonderful and supportive.

Kudos to you all for helping a stranger with no skill or tech savvy. I WILL try again.

You have a whole community backing you! And once you've installed the OS, you'll feel like you can conquer the world.

I am in the process of trying this again!

I know I'm going to eventually switch over. I'm curious how it ends up going with your install.

Slow going but better than my first attempt. I at least made the bootable usb now so this is huge progress for me!

Good to hear! Let us know if you need any help with the install - some computers will try to fight the install, others are much more amenable to it. As long as you follow the instructions from the Linux Mint page, you should be fine.

Cool. I figured it'd be a long process, an all day project. I just "fear" the possible complexity.