Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative to – 526 points –
Announcing the Ladybird Browser Initiative

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If they're starting a browser from scratch, why would they not have chosen Rust? Seems very short sighted to not have learned from Firefox.

They used c++ initially since it was spawned from SerenityOS, which was designed to be a mashup of win2000 and unix.

now that Ladybird is its own project, it's not constrained to that goal, and they have said they will incorporate modern languages. There's Servo ( ), it's a browser engine written in rust

Yes, that's what I'm referring to. They could build on that, or they could write something their own in Rust. But I'd think building on Servo would be fantastic.

I know about servo. It was pretty much a dead project until they joined the Linux fondation last year and started getting some sponsorship. Since then, they being doing pretty good on there own with personal donations rising by around 20% each month, reaching more than 2000$ monthly. Wish them all the best!