SCOTUS Immunity Ruling Will Let Trump be Führer, Here’s My Proof: Michael Cohen to politics – 496 points –
SCOTUS Immunity Ruling Will Let Trump be Führer, Here’s My Proof: Michael Cohen

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Weird how if Biden uses any of the power he has to stop Trump from becoming Fuhrer then it will cause a civil war, but when Trump actually uses that power to become Fuhrer he will face no obstacles.

It will still cause a civil war. Also, that was a wild edit from “you’ll fucking wish Biden assassinated Trump”

I changed my mind about what I wanted to say, but was I wrong?

EDIT And I changed my mind again. If Trump is so dangerous, the only way to really stop him is for Biden to win decisively. Instead, he's behind in fucking New Jersey in the latest polls. If he wins it'll be razor thin, maybe only by the electoral college or a few counties, and then the fascist Supreme Court will give it to Trump anyway. Lose/lose, at least if Biden does something really funny before he resigns he could make sure Trump can't become fuhrer.

The forces that produced Trump remain and will birth a new "strong man" for the masses to get behind, and the GOP does another attempt for Christian fascism.

They tried that when Trump lost, people gravitated back to Trump

I mean, they're .ml gaslightings to be expected

edit: Lmao, 5 replies and I can see none of them. Sorry Tankies, I'm way ahead of you

I'm trans in a red state, they're going to kill me, and the only option I'm allowed to vote for a genocidal mummy who is going to fucking lose because he's too stubborn and old to realize he has to drop out. Meanwhile, smarmy fucking liberals want to tell me it's too dangerous for Biden to use his unlimited executive power handed to him by the Court, and they're frog marching me to my death.

So yeah, my first instinct was to wish Biden would do literally fucking anything to stop Trump, and he won't and we're all fucked.

EDIT And I'm a stupid fuck and hit enter too quickly sometimes and then think of more stuff I want to say or change my mind about what I wanted to say, and now that I was "caught" being a stupid indecisive fuck because I edited a few minutes after posting I lose this argument so whatever

It’s always so easy to get upset by a narrative you create on your own. I mean, adhering to reality is so much work! Right?

You accused me of gaslighting people, like I'm some kind of abuser. That put me in a really bad place.

Here's reality: Biden is going to get me killed because he won't do what is best for the country and either resign or stop Trump permanently, and you all are telling me to support this genocidal mummy who would rather get me killed than do the right thing.

Maybe that makes me a little fucking stressed?

Nope. That’s not how it works. If you are purposefully going to withhold your vote in your own country because think you’re going to make some grassroots change to acts committed by another country- in another country.

then YOU are going to get you killed.

YOU have the ability to stop that shit. YOU can vote. Votes matter. And if your own safety and well being is worth the risk to make some stupid point-

Then you don’t get to put that on someone else. It’s FAR too late in the game to pretend you don’t know what’s at stake.

"Committed by another country" is horseshit, its committed by the US's unsinkable aircraft carrier with US bombs and US naval defense from its neighbors and US defense in the UN and would be impossible without the unlimited backing of the US government. This is our fault, 100%, I don't get to wash my hands of it just because it's being done on the other side of the world by a US proxy.

If my vote matters then I have a duty to use it to stop genocide, and this is the only way I can do it. Both the candidates support genocide, if either of them win then the genocide will only get worse. I see Biden being on death's door is a leverage point and so I am going to use it to increase the pressure, because if he gets replaced at the convention then we get a third choice!

They may still support Israel, but Biden has been a staunch Zionist his entire time in office. He's loyal to the bone. I actually don't know if they could find someone who is as loyal to Israel and Israel's interests as Joe Biden. If he gets replaced it might end.

And I get to blame you for throwing your support behind genocide instead of joining the push to replace Biden.

That’s some mighty fine propaganda you’ve got there. However, I’m going to guess that you didn’t even know where Palestine was from n a map prior to very recently. Like… within the past year.

Nor did you know that we’ve been supplying them weapons for decades. Or that they’ve been at war since the 40’s. Or that congress will send them weapons with or without the president’s approval.

Manufactured outrage is such an easy weapon to use against those that don’t think for themselves. Or even bother to try and understand the nuance to any given situation.

Let me help you to understand a bit of how all this works:

NOTHING is black and white that exists within the boundaries of reality. Especially with politics. And it’s VERY clear that you don’t understand how most of it works. So maybe try and look into what’s involved within the nuance. Start with this.

Because that Is just scratching the surface of the shit you are either not able to understand, or refusing to even try to.

Hope this helps.

I've hated Israel since they crushed Rachel Corrie with a fucking bulldozer in 2003, don't you fucking accuse me of not being aware of this genocidal settler-colonial state until recently. You accuse me of spreading propaganda and then post a fucking article that says the US is helpless and is legally forced to keep selling Israel weapons without limits forever. "Aw shucks, there's nothing Biden can do, he has to keep giving them billions of dollars of bombs to decapitate children in concentration camps!"

Let me help you understand how all this works.

The US can pull out of any agreement it wants. See: the Iran nuclear deal. This horseshit about the US being legally required to support Israel is mystification, the US can basically just do whatever it wants. This doesn't even get into the new Supreme Court decision, which basically just gave the President unlimited executive powers to execute the office's official duties.

Yeah… remember when I said I can’t take you seriously because of your little clown emoji? I meant that shit.

I didn’t read a word of what you said. It’s called “the consequences of your actions.”

You just wasted your time writing out whatever it is you felt you had to say, and I- as have precisely told you, have no intent to bother taking it seriously.

Again, consequences of your actions.

Learn and do better.

I don't write any of this for you. This is a form of self harm for me. 😘

You’re not alone. Shit’s fucked. And this guy’s a yo-yo 🪀. Take care.

Whatever makes you feel good. You’re not my responsibility.

Just try and do better. Look for nuance and know that only extremists think that everything is black and white.

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More accurate: Socialists will always choose to side with fascists over liberals, because they really just want authoritarianism.

Though it's probably more accurate to say "tankie" isntead of "socialist", but since you're referring to tankies as socialists, I'll do the same.

The great day of victory over Germany has come. Fascist Germany, forced to her knees by the Red Army and the troops of our Allies, has acknowledged herself defeated and declared unconditional surrender.

-Josef Stalin, May 9, 1945

Yeah... after Stalin worked with Hitler to carve up Poland. It was only when Hitler attacked Stalin that he begrudgingly got on the Allied side. Poland still got fucked by that asshole though.

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