It’s vitally important that Democrats now ask one question and one question only: Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump, or is there someone else readily available who has a better chance? to politics – 329 points –
There’s only one relevant question

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Does Biden have the best chance of beating Trump

The election is in ~3 months. Yes. Next question.

He's much more unpopular than any previous president that won reelection, he's literally unqualified for the job, he's in a weaker position than when he BARELY won the first time and he's refusing to change course on the main source of discontent, his active and ongoing participation in a genocide and other war crimes committed daily.


Next question: Will he be replaced by one of the 50 other Democrats who could beat Donald Trump (by his own estimate) before it's too late?

I hope so, but probably not.

he’s refusing to change course on the main source of discontent, his active and ongoing participation in a genocide and other war crimes committed daily.

Voters simply don't care about Gaza anywhere near as much as they care about literally everything else:

It shows up in poll after poll after poll. With the exception of chronically online lemmings and less than 10% of Democratic voters, nobody else really cares.

Even for the folks who are outraged by what's happening in Gaza, letting trump win isn't going to make the situation any better, and will likely make it significantly worse.

Voters simply don't care about Gaza anywhere near as much as they care about literally everything else

Well that's a damning indictment of the American people if I ever saw one!

With the exception of chronically online lemmings and less than 10% of Democratic voters, nobody else really cares.

Yeah, it's just the systematic slaughter of mostly defenseless civilians, specifically targeting aid workers, health workers and journalists, and also tens of thousands of children!

Just flagrant daily crimes against humanity, nothing you'd care about if you weren't a chronically online Lemming! /s

You're very much on the wrong side of history if you are indifferent to the many war crimes of Israel as well as the contributions of the US and other Western countries making it possible for them to continue in perpetuity.

Yeah none of that changes the fact that voters don't care. Sorry people have different priorities than you, it seems like it really bothers you.

Yeah, it actually DOES bother me that some people don't care about constant atrocities committed on helpless innocents. I'm kooky like that!

I wouldn't think that Donald Trump levels of casual indifference towards the mass murder and systemic torture of fellow human beings would be the norm amongst Democratic voters, but I guess it either is or there's something wrong with the methodology of the statistics you so gleefully present as redemptive of your Dear Leader..

Feel free to point out repeated, systemic flaws that might lead to that kind of consistent result. If not, I'll just assume it's because you simply can't wrap your mind around the fact that voters have different priorities than you. Truth hurts.

There's different priorities and then there's a near-total disregard for the lives and well-being of fellow humans.

There's disagreement on whether economic or social issues are more important. Whether foreign policy is important or only domestic issues really matter. Tons of room for legitimate disagreement there.

And then there's being indifferent to some of the worst atrocities humans have ever submitted other humans to being perpetrated in your name using weapons paid for by your tax dollars and political cover by the politicians you have chosen to represent you.

If that doesn't bother you, WHAT fucking does?

I've never said what does and doesn't bother me. This conversation isn't about me at all. It's about voters, and about the fact that you mischaracterized their "main source of discontent". I showed evidence that it is, in fact, not their main source of discontent. It barely even registers, your personal outrage notwithstanding.

Voters do not care. Full stop. There are a number of likely reasons for that, but it's not terribly complicated.

Voters do not care. Full stop.

Yeah, I often protest in the streets and on campuses, risking arrest or much worse from cops and Zionist agitators based on "not caring" 🙄

I'm not a statistician, so I'm gonna let someone else locate the smoking gun, but those statistics CANNOT reflect actual reality. Especially since at least the first one suggests that people aren't really That worried about CLIMATE CHANGE either.

I'm thinking maybe sampling bias or asking the questions in Norwegian? 🤔

I linked the polls directly. Feel free to check the language of the questions out yourself. Looks like English to me.

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How big were the win margins in 2020 again?

How is that in any way relevant to my correction about "the main source of discontent"?

The Democrats can't afford to lose even half of that 10%.

I didn't say they could. I was correcting someone who indicated Gaza is "the main source of discontent" among voters, when in fact polling shows it is not. I didn't say literally anything about the election or who's likely to win, or what that discontent might mean in the future.

You asked how the electoral margins were relevant to the topic. I just answered your question.

Quibble about which issue is more important all you want, the DNC is already underwater on voter enthusiasm regardless.

I'm not "quibbling". I'm pointing to polling evidence that directly contradicts a claim the other user made. I didn't say a damn thing about the DNC, or voter enthusiasm, or electoral prospects, or any of that information. I literally just showed polls of priority issues for relative importance. That's the end of my point, so please don't respond to an argument I didn't make.

Your disagreement was not one of kind, but of scale. You're choosing to focus on polls of issue priority as if that matters when we both agree that the party can't afford to lose any support regardless of the issue.

You said this:

Voters simply don't care about Gaza anywhere near as much as they care about literally everything else:


It shows up in poll after poll after poll. With the exception of chronically online lemmings and less than 10% of Democratic voters, nobody else really cares.

Yes I did. Your powers of observation are uncanny.

So again, what does the 2020 margin of victory have to do with the purported "main source of discontent" among voters, which isn't borne out by polling data?

I didn't say it was the main source of discontent. I just think that being able to win the election is the most important thing. It doesn't have to be the "main" source to cause the problem we're all talking about.

I didn't say you did. I corrected someone else, and you responded to me. So again, how is your response relevant to me correcting someone else's factual inaccuracy?

I obviously mistook this as a conversation about the upcoming election and Biden's chances, but I can see now that you are purely interested in correcting someone about this one thing, and not about whether or not that has an important impact on Biden's chances.

Yes wow you're right it isn't the "main" source of the discontent. Congratulations.

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Did you not pay attention to Frances election? Much shorter with much better outcomes. Maybe the year long election cycle is the problem driving turnout down in the US, which benefits republicans.

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