Trump rally: Witness says he saw gunman minutes before shots fired to – 195 points –
Trump rally: Witness says he saw gunman minutes before shots fired

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Yeah, I'm gonna probably stay undecided on this one. On the one hand, "the libs shot first" is going to sit very well with his cult's persecution complex, and it'll be a good tool for whenever he needs an angry mob. On the other hand, it wouldn't be very surprising that someone really would take a shot at him.

I don't think a fake assassination attempt makes much sense at all. He's not losing to the point that he needs to take a big risk. It's not close enough to the election for one big stunt to have a good chance of influencing the outcome. And it didn't even happen at a time and place that would maximize the visibility.

The only thing I can think of that could explain this would be the recent trending of project 2025. But even then, if you need a distraction, the convention is next week, there's plenty of opportunity to shift the narrative there. And hell, if you want to stage an assassination attempt for your own benefit, that's the venue to do it at.

On the other hand, faking it requires conspirators who can make it happen, all of whom have to be able to keep it quiet. There will be an investigation that he can't control. The smaller the conspiracy, the harder it is to pull off, but the larger the conspiracy, the harder it is to cover up. And unlike all his existing criminal cases, there would be no connection to his time as president in any way, so the immunity he just got handed by the supreme court wouldn't apply. And obviously the shooter has to not accidentally kill Trump while he is shooting at him and killing an innocent bystander. Plus, you have to have a shooter willing to die for the cause, or a patsy who can plausibly take his place, which raises so many more questions and carries a whole new set of risks.

By comparison, someone looking at Trump and saying to himself "Well, if no one else is going to do this, I guess I will" is just a lot more plausible.

I would agree with you if it wasn't for the fact that his ear looks completely intact. Bloody, yes, but no chunk missing. If it was an actual bullet moving at subsonic speed even a graze would leave more than a little blood. Another thing to consider is that there would be WAY more blood than what was shown. Your extremities bleed more than any other part of your body because that's where all of the blood vessels gather. I know this from the personal experience of splitting my head open on a metal pipe. It took no time for blood to cover one half of my face. If he was actually shot in the ear blood would be gushing. As it stands it looks like someone smeared lipstick on his ear.

Is it possible he just hit his ear on something when he was ducking for cover?

To be clear, I haven't looked to see if there are videos, or anything, so I'm asking from a place of ignorance, not because I think that's what happened.

It is more possible than a bullet wound. I'm hearing it was teleprompter glass, which makes sense.

Another thread here linked to news reports stating it’s the teleprompter glass that cut him.

Which i would have an easier time believing than a bullet. If he got a small cut on his ear it would bleed that much, but that is in no way a bullet wound. It doesn't really matter at the end of the day though because facts don't matter to fascist MAGA idiots. If it doesn't back up what they already believe it's fake news.

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The shooter was identified as 20-year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, as reported by the BBC, and was a registered Republican.

Registering R in PA which has closed primaries just means he lived in a red district and wanted to vote in the only primary that matters. He donated to progressive groups.

By that same Trojan Horse logic, donating to Biden's political opponents doesn't make the situation any clearer.

It's quite common in safe districts to register with the predominant party and donate elsewhere.

You missed the point. At least from my reading you did.

If he was a typical Democrat voting in the closed primary to make more of an impact that makes some sense.

But his donations, based on the previous comments statement, made for a political opponent of Biden.

Meaning it doesn't really work to just say he was typical R or typical D.

Nobody is a typical R or D at that point. There isn't a PAC out there that is just straight DNC or GOP. That's not a realistic standard.

.... You missed the point again.... My interest in clarifying for you has died. Sorry it didn't help.

No you're just grasping at straws to paint this guy as anything other than a democrat when the reality is we don't know shit about him yet.

GroupS? The BBC reported that he donated a few bucks to a Liberal party or something, but that's all I've heard

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