Forbes yanks article speculating Trump could gain Black voters by being shot

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 182 points –
Forbes yanks article speculating Trump could gain Black voters by being shot

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please god let it be another jussie smollett moment and have it backfire even more spectacularly!

He got 150 days and five felony counts for staging a hate crime on himself. Let’s just keep all that in mind when Trump doesn’t serve a day in prison

He got 150 days and five felony counts for staging a hate crime on himself. Let’s just keep all that in mind when Trump doesn’t serve a day in prison

i'm sure that a rich white well connected "christian" cis straight man not getting punished for the same crime that a gay black man does must be one of the many definitions of this country.

remove the word "black" and "white" from that sentence and it probably helps define the world too.

That's ridiculous, when did Trump stage a hate crime?

Yeah, I mean, Trump already got convicted of felonies and then nothing happened. Did he even pay a fine or something for that? I heard about the conviction and then.... absolutely nothing.

Did he even pay a fine or something for that?

No, because his SCROTUS cronies declared that anything he did as an "official act" couldn't be prosecuted, so now it has to be determined by a lower court was were and weren't "official acts" so they can then disagree and declare all of them "official."

These convictions were for state level crimes that happened before he was president. So completely outside the scope of the official act thing.

That decision is probably going to be used to get him completely out of the classified documents case though, not that he really needed the extra help since that one was already being presided over by a crony judge he appointed.

Oh, okay, clearly I wasn't paying enough attention! It's hard to keep track of all his crimes.

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